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Soft Tissue Sarcomas

Soft Tissue Sarcomas

Category: STNS

Soft tissue sarcomas are a group of rare and diverse cancers that develop in the connective tissues of the body, such as muscles, tendons, fat, blood vessels, and nerves. These tumors can occur in almost any part of the body, including limbs, trunk, abdomen, and head and neck. The exact cause of soft tissue sarcomas is often unknown, but certain genetic factors, environmental exposures, and previous radiation therapy can increase the risk. Symptoms may vary depending on the tumor's size and location, but common signs include pain, swelling, or a palpable lump. Early detection and diagnosis are crucial for effective treatment, which may involve surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Treatment plans are typically personalized, depending on factors such as the tumor's type, stage, and the patient's overall health. Dr. Kapil Dev, an expert in oncology, emphasizes the importance of early detection and timely intervention for improving outcomes in patients with soft tissue sarcomas.


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